A 13 day micro dose mini course via Telegram.
Practice lucid dreaming in your waking life.
This course is a quantum technology,
it has a consciousness of its own.
I am honored to steward and facillitate this magical container.
I have some ideas what it’s about and what might come through,
and as with all medicine journeys…
it can only be revealed in the moment,
organically as it unfolds.
My prayer is that is serves to empower you in your sovereign embodiment.
May you receive exactly what is needed for you in your path at this time,
nothing more, nothing less.
re:member ➻ who you are
re:veal ➻ what you are
re:code ➻ how you are
Prepare yourself for the holiday season with family 🙂
11/15 – 11/27 [2024]
13 day journey through the Blue Monkey wavespell
(a wavespell is a 13 day cycle)
[receiving the structure of galactic mayan cosmology to support our journey]
We begin Friday November 15, 2024
Blue Magnetic Monkey Kin 131
Blue Monkey is The Magician, the Sacred Trickster, the Magical Child
“Blue Monkey can help you get the cosmic joke that appearances in this three-dimensional world are illusory, so you might as well laugh and make “light” of them! Since you are the co-creator of your reality, why not write a delightful script? You have created for yourself learning situations that may appear to be difficult and uncomfortable. Humour can serve as a pressure valve and healer, helping you to laugh and dance with the illusion.” – The Mayan Oracle
⫸ Your Daily Dose: telepathic launch pads, channeled transmissions, prompts & invitations for revelation & contemplation via telegram
⫸ Fellow Journeyers: community telegram group to comment and share about your experiences
⫸ Support System: omnidimensional support from all of creation to support you in attuning to your highest purpose in service to all of creation
+ All sorts of goodies and treats from your higher / truest self
Choose Your Own Adventure :
How you show up determines what shows up.
Engage with the material as you feel called, as it feels authentic for you.
Feel free to participate with some, all or none of the prompts.
Group participation is optional, though highly encouraged!
Simply being in the energetic container of this offering will activate a higher / deeper awareness of reality, if you allow it ;-).
What’s in the queue:
+ Power of Intention
+ Mystery of Your Name
+ Dream”Play”
+ Magic of Synchronicity
+ Conscious Co-Creation w/ SOURCE
+ Observing your reality // de:code to re:code
+ Archetypal Embodiment // Storytelling
+ Ancestral Stories and Patterns
+ Vocal Alchemy
+ Inner Child
+ Theta Healing
+ Self Inquiry
+ Guided Meditation
+ Energy Mastery
+ Collective Manifestation
Ways to play…
◮ I N S T I G A T R I X ✺ $131
⫸ 13 daily channeled transmissions, activations & meditations
◮ I L L U M I N A T R I X ✺ $260
⫸ above + 1:1 75 min. soul blueprint reading (galactic mayan style)
◮ I N I T I A T R I X ✺ $520
⫸ above + custom guided meditation
Ready to D R E A M A W A K E ?
Send reciprocity to:
Venmo: starseedactivator [at] gmail [dot] com
Paypal: risinginloveawakening [at] gmail [dot] com
Zelle: [ask me]
No one will be turned away due to lack of funds.
Write to me and share why you are called to this work and how this will support you in your life.
risinginloveawakening (at) gmail (dot) com
In Lak’ech Ala K’in
I am another you, you are another me.
✧˖° 𓋹 𖤓 𓋹 °˖✧
A l e x a n d r a M a t h e w s
Evolutionary Guide | Visionary Creatrix
Red Planetary Earth 257 | Yellow Solar Seed 204