[ways to play]


r e : m e m b e r

theta soul sessions | quantum omnidimensional healing

unplug [artificial matrix] + rekinnect [source]

source love medicine

clear + re:member

reprogram + rewrite

r o o t

 hõm temple activations | ceremonial quantum light space clearing

energetic architecture

intention + prayer + design


r i s e

soul signature readings 

[mayan galactic]

unplug + sync + align

w/ natural time 

cosmic memory activation

13:20 time = art


e m b o d y + e x p r e s s

s t a r t r e e s  | 1:1 mentorship for evolutionary artists

sovereign embodiment | authentic expression | devotional connection

come home to who you are

you are the offering

ready to deep dive to fly high?

we are the storytellers of the future …

weaving new geometries of light

reclaiming the sacredness of magic 

enchanting humanity to remember

awakening truth, beauty & love

casting spells of harmony

blessing the earth and all her creatures

integrating duality into greatness

rekinnecting to source consciousness

we are sovereign free & clear

we are one family

T R I B E ✧ U N I : K A

a universal wisdom heartist collective


my name is Alexandra Mathews

artist name : I S H T A R A

an evolutionary artist in service

to the awakening of humanity. 


It is with overflowing love that I call you

forward to awaken and remember who you are

and why you are here

on this most majestical planet. 


You are here for a reason,

for a purpose,

to be the most you that you can be,

to share your unique majicina

(magic & medicine) with the world. 


It is my prayer that I may

empower those who are ready

to embody their true self. 


I am here to awaken the masters,

train the djedi and unite the tribes. 

Supporting star beings

to root here on earth. 


We are building the temples and

weaving the webs of light

so that all beings may be thrive.


<<<un:plug from the artificial matrix

>>>re:kinnect to source 


welcome to the


organic ascension source integration space

this is the

It lives within you and as we re:member,

we become the answer to our prayers. 

Dreaming a world into being that honors all life.

It’s time to unleash your inner freq-uency.

[ U N L E A S H ]

truth ⟡ beauty ⟡ love

“It’s the role of the artist to make the revolution irresistable.” Toni Cade

E V O L U T I O N A R Y + A R T I S T S

T R I B E + U N I: K A

H O L Y + W O O D

remember who you are 


IG @alexandramathews